Sensuality is about feeling alive, awake and engaged in your body. When you’re able to relate to the world around you through those lenses, through feeling the aliveness in your body, you ooze sexuality, you see the world differently and experience the magic of the world and attract amazing opportunities.
Read MoreIf there’s one thing I know, it’s feeling like you have no intimacy issues when truth be told, your heart is locked up tighter than a vault to true intimacy. It’s not until you truly peel back the layers of your past pain that the walls start to melt away and come down.
Read MoreIt’s amazing how many patterns the human body is able to hold throughout our lifetime. Patterns that we probably don’t even give a second thought about. But when we combine these patterns with our limiting beliefs that have been ingrained in us, they can be extremely detrimental to ourselves and the relationships we are in.
Read MoreThe struggle between the masculine and the feminine has always existed, now is the time for a sacred union. To stop this push and pull and the struggle between them and to find harmony and balance.
Read MoreLet’s be honest, our parents aren’t perfect and that’s okay. Neither are we. But it’s unrealistic to think they’re the only ones responsible for our emotional development.
Remember, everyone is doing their best with the skills they currently have.
It’s important to develop the emotional skills our parents never had.
Read MoreToxic relationships within the family can have a major impact on your overall well-being.
But I have to say, just because you have identified a toxic relationship, that doesn’t mean you should give up on that person. There are many things you can do to make a toxic family member more tolerable, but the most important thing to do is heal the pain within yourself first.
Christmas is the time of the year when magic is in the air. It’s a time when families (if they’re willing) can repair the wounds of the past.
Read MoreMartin Luther-King said it perfectly ‘Peace is a powerful weapon that instead of cutting, heals’.
Allow your frequency of love to radiate throughout your community to create a ripple that is part of the change this world desires.
LOVE is powerful.
PEACE is powerful.
Read MoreEssentially, the black sheep is a way that families avoid their own internal pain, disappointments, and struggles, by pointing the finger at another family member as the cause for all the problems they experience.
If you are the ‘black sheep’ in your family, you were most likely chosen as the problem child.
Through softening and surrendering to the call of our soul, our energy changes the vibrational frequency to a more harmonious hum.
This allows us to be more in flow with the universal laws of nature, instead of pushing against them.
What we don’t seem to recognise is the difference between society's way of DOING, and humanity's way of BEING…
Read MoreAs busy souls, there’s only so much we can do, and so much we can take before cracks begin to appear in our everyday life.
Feeling emotionally drained is very real, especially nowadays as our lives are continually challenged with lockdowns and restrictions.
Read MoreWe’re taught as children to believe in the impossible. That we can become anything we want to be, or do anything we want to do. That the world is only limited by our imagination. We start our lives believing in our ability to create the life we choose. Why then, do we allow that to change?
I always remember telling my children that you have to believe to receive. That the beauty of living in the realm of believing is that anything is possible
Humanity has reached such a crucial time in its evolution. We live in a time of huge growth, economically, technologically, and scientifically, and because of this, many of us experience incredible freedom, yet with this freedom comes a significant downside. Through being so switched on and connected to the outside world, it’s created a disconnect from Soul and our inner world.
Read MoreIt astounds me that ninety percent of the physical pain we experience in our body is due to emotions that are trapped within our body and yet we just ignore it. All the baggage from our relationships, our childhood, our work environment stay with us, and it’s these energies that disrupt our Nervous System and cause diseases and much of our self-sabotage.
Read MoreLove, joy and having each other's backs, may be how you feel a family should be, but what if conflicts and arguments are the only thing you know?
Well I would like to start with, even though it’s much harder to grow closer through conflict, that’s exactly the invitation conflict brings. It’s about seeing the gift in the challenge presented to you, to allow all involved to grow and understand each other better, including your own self awareness…
Read MoreSoaking in the energy of expansion brings immense growth and beauty in the way you see the world. It allows your field to be fully alive and enriched, your heart open, and the possibilities that surround you to become endless.
This is how I now live my life, with such passion and joy for life. Seeing each lesson for the opportunities that they bring. I am now able to re-weave fresh quantum energy into a past event that used to debilitate me. This allows me to create the changes in my lineage that will affect past and future generations.
Read More‘Our Deepest Fear’ by Marianne Wiliamson
The first time I heard this poem, it literally stopped me in my tracks and brought tears to my eyes, and it still does.
I was watching the movie Coach Carter (one of my teenage sons' favourite movies) and I had never had a chance to actually sit down and watch it. Needless to say, when I finally did, it moved me beyond words (movies based on true stories always do).
My soul literally grabbed my heart to make sure I was listening.
When you think about forgiveness, what comes to mind?
Is there an event or a person that you feel you simply can’t forgive?
When you think of that person, what do you start to feel? Is it hatred, anger or even heartbreak?
Now think about how much energy is involved with holding onto that emotion. It starts to fill your body and your field with such heaviness. It’s that heaviness that’s weighing you down, slowing you down, making you feel like the world is against you.
Is it really worth it?
Read MoreThe passing of a loved one is possibly one of the hardest things to live through. You must allow yourself the time and space to feel all the emotions that consume your body and allow the deep unravelling to occur.
You may find yourself consumed with emotions, leaving you feeling uncertain and extremely vulnerable. Anger, emptiness, confusion, loneliness, regret, gratitude, love just to name a few, but above all, an overwhelming feeling of not knowing what to do next.
Please know, every emotion that you feel is exactly the medicine you need.
Read MoreBrené Brown said it best ‘Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence that you don’t belong, because you will always find it.. Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence that you are not enough, because you will always find it.. Our worth and our belonging are not negotiated with other people, we carry those inside of our hearts’.
In a world full of judges and critics, why do we even allow self loathing to exist in the equation?
Read MoreEven though time moves on, and we all grow up, we all still have that part of us that feels everything we did as a child.
As children, we learn how to cope with the things that hurt us. We can either try to ignore them and trap them down deep in our belly or jump up and down and have a tantrum.
We unconsciously carry those reactions and how they made us feel into our adulthood, these become our adult coping mechanism.